I am an emeritus professor from Cornell University and was a Commissioned Lay Preacher in the Presbyterian Church (USA). For many years I have followed the Daily Lectionary as printed in the Mission Yearbook of my church. For each day of a two-year cycle, the lectionary lists four psalms and three other scriptural passages--usually one from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. My practice is to copy down a verse or two from one of the psalms and from each of the other three passages. After I have written out all four selections, I reflect upon them, rearrange their order, and incorporate them into a meditation. Sometimes I retain much of the original wording; sometimes all that remains of a selection is an idea that was stimulated when I read the original words. All selections are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. For the Daily Lectionary, see the link below.

May Your Song Be with Us, God of Our Lives--June 14, 2016

By day, you command your steadfast love,
and at night your song is with us, O God.
Let it be with us when we fail to enjoy
your good gifts because we are too
enamored with what we had before,
or when we exchange the truth about
you for a lie and worship and serve the
creature rather than you, the Creator.
And let your song be with us when
we think about your betrayal
and your death and your
rising again.

Lectionary Readings
Ps. 42; 146; 102; 133
Num. 11:1-23
Rom. 1:16-25
Matt. 17:22-27
Selected Verses
Ps. 42:8
By day the LORD commands his steadfast love,
          and at night his song is with me,
          a prayer to the God of my life.

Num. 11:5
"…We remember the fish we used to eat in Egypt for nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic…"  [Israelites weeping for want of meat to eat.]

Rom. 1:25
…because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever!  Amen.

Matt. 17:22-23
As they were gathering in Galilee, Jesus said to [his disciples], "The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised."  And they were greatly distressed.

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