I am an emeritus professor from Cornell University and was a Commissioned Lay Preacher in the Presbyterian Church (USA). For many years I have followed the Daily Lectionary as printed in the Mission Yearbook of my church. For each day of a two-year cycle, the lectionary lists four psalms and three other scriptural passages--usually one from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. My practice is to copy down a verse or two from one of the psalms and from each of the other three passages. After I have written out all four selections, I reflect upon them, rearrange their order, and incorporate them into a meditation. Sometimes I retain much of the original wording; sometimes all that remains of a selection is an idea that was stimulated when I read the original words. All selections are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. For the Daily Lectionary, see the link below.

God of Compassion, Justice, Light--Feb. 12, 2017

God of compassion--
you lift the poor from the dust,
the needy from the ash heap.

God of justice--
she who garners grain
shall have bread to eat;
he who gathers grapes,
 wine to drink.

God of light--
you gave us Jesus;
when we follow him,
we walk in love, not hate.

Lectionary Readings
Ps. 19; 150; 81; 113
Isa. 62:6-12
1 John 2:3-11
John 8:12-19

Selected Verses
Ps. 113:7
[The LORD] raises the poor from the dust,
          and lifts the needy from the ash heap…

Isa. 62:9
…but those who garner [your grain] shall eat it
          and praise the LORD,
and those who gather [your wine] shall drink it
          in my holy courts.

1 John 2:9
Whoever says, “I am in the light,” while hating a brother or sister, is still in the darkness. 

John 8:12
Again Jesus spoke to [people in the temple], saying, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” 


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