I am an emeritus professor from Cornell University and was a Commissioned Lay Preacher in the Presbyterian Church (USA). For many years I have followed the Daily Lectionary as printed in the Mission Yearbook of my church. For each day of a two-year cycle, the lectionary lists four psalms and three other scriptural passages--usually one from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. My practice is to copy down a verse or two from one of the psalms and from each of the other three passages. After I have written out all four selections, I reflect upon them, rearrange their order, and incorporate them into a meditation. Sometimes I retain much of the original wording; sometimes all that remains of a selection is an idea that was stimulated when I read the original words. All selections are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. For the Daily Lectionary, see the link below.

“Lord, Help Me”--June 6, 2022

[From June 12, 2006 archive]


Your ways are a mystery to us;

we cannot predict them

or what will happen next.

Joy follows sorrow,

sorrow follows joy.


Very often, good things grow out of bad;

but though we may not see the good,

still we put our trust in you,

for you do not forsake

those who seek you.


Even if at first you seem to turn away,

teach us to come to you and bend the knee,

saying, “Lord, help me.”


Lectionary Readings

Ps. 62; 145; 73; 9

Eccl. 7:1-14

Gal. 4:12-20

Matt. 15:21-28


Selected Verses 

Ps. 9:10

And those who know your name put their trust in you,

            for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.


Eccl. 7:14

In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider; God has made the one as well as the other, so that mortals may not find out anything that will come after them.


Gal. 4:13

You know that it was because of a physical infirmity that I first announced the gospel to you…


Matt. 15:24-25

[Jesus] answered [the Canaanite woman], “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”  But she came and knelt before him, saying, “ Lord, help me.”